
homeowner documents

The homeowner documents listed below can be found on the homeowner site by clicking HERE.

Minutes & Financial Reporting

As part of each quarterly and annual HOA meeting, the board provides homeowners with visibility to the HOA financial standing, as well as minutes from HOA meetings.

newsletters & announcEments

Stay up to date with news and information about our HOA neighborhood by reading the latest newsletters, and community announcements.


The HOA board occasionally sends emails to Waterford Park homeowners, about events happening in and around Waterford Park, such as the annual HOA meeting, suspicious activity, newsletters, reminders, and the like. If you have not been receiving these emails, the board might not have your correct contact information. Please review your contact details, and send your corrections to board@waterfordparkmukilteo.org.


Do you know your lot number? Do you know where Waterford Park's five NGPAs are?

The neighborhood plat map is a handy map that provides this information and more. The map indicates the lot number of every home in Waterford Park, shows where the NGPAs are located, plus it has a directional arrow and surrounding area names for easy navigation.


Have you had a positive experience with a contractor working on your home and you would like to recommend them to your neighbors? Do you have a planned home project and would like to find a neighbor recommended contractor? Waterford Park homeowners now have a place where they can recommend, and view recommended, contractors.

HOA PRessure Washer

Did you know that the HOA owns a pressure washer for Waterford Park homeowners to borrow? If you would like to use the pressure washer, please enter your contact information on the sign up sheet. Then you can contact the homeowner listed on the sheet above you, to arrange for pickup once they are done with it.

The homeowner documents listed above can be found on the homeowner site by clicking HERE.

To view any of the homeowner documents listed above, you must have your password. Please contact the board at board@waterfordparkmukilteo.org if you have lost or forgotten it.